Monday, October 29, 2012


Sorry friends, neither the time nor the space for programming.  Someday... Someday...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Developement on hold

Hi everyone.  4500 hits!  Wow, thanks for the community interest!

Developement is currently on hold while I deal with life issues (marriage, family, mental health, finance, cats, etc).

Feel free to hijack the code and work on it yourself - that's why it's open source lua.

PS> someday I will take some programming classes and actually become a better programmer.

It only took me the whole summer of 2011 to devise a way for the deer to herd..  I still remember the golden moment when 7 or so were hearding... then two broke away and followed each other off into a different spot. *tears*.  It was like a father seeing his child's first steps.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

*playing "Cataclysm" roguelike by Whales..  V. good. Why did i buy oblivion???? I finally donated 10$ to whales.. since this game came out i have 300+ hours into it.

note: now known as "Cataclysm dark days ahead" with a new maintainer

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

above ground

Project is sidelined for the moment.  Working on sanity and emotional wellbeing instead.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Project is on the back burner.  Working hard at womens studies and social psychology at college presently.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1-10-2012 Captain's Log

Ok so this is my captains log on starship ridiculous.

I'm living with my brother for awhile.  Like I said, family having some problems with my wife and step daughter.

But he's a great programmer so I'm learning all about the heap, the stack, the cache, etc.

Sounds like he wants to help me optomize some of my code.  And I guess I was using way too many object-access-lookups when I was iterating over the map to draw things. and I understand now that's not a processer but a memory problem. And also I used my line of sight function more than was necessary and that I needed some kind of ray-casting for LOS not just the bresenham line algorithm anymore.  And really I shouldn't be having to write this weird funky graphics bullshit that only updates the current and affected squares of things. that's going to give me hell down the road. what i need is just a simple elegant drawing method that uses ray casting.

So I'm going to overhaul the code somewhat and go back to my old function "drawsurroundingswave" which uses a wavefront, and somehow add consciousness of wavefront direction to the function.. Luke explained, i guess, each square somehow remembers the slope of the line that intersects it and the players square, and it checks the next squares out for being "within a deviation of that line"... Only my brother will help me turn it into a ray-casting sort of thing.  Someday?

Right now I'm starting school and I signed up for a Women's Studies course.  It's exactly what I need.  The textbook is entitled Women: A multicultural perspective.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

1-2-2012 Day after new years

Starting classes soon, dealing with family issues, programming on hold.